Monday, July 9, 2018

Month #3

We love this little 3 month old chubby angel. I still think she's my chubbiest baby :) She is wearing 3-6 month and 6 month clothes, and filling them right out. I know she is wearing a lot of clothes that Mia didn't fit into until she was much much older, and she is wearing some new clothes that I bought just for her that are size 6 month that she looks like she is about to grow out of! She smiles so often now, and just a few days ago laughed for the first time! I haven't heard her laugh since, and it was just the sweetest sound ever! She goes to bed around 7-8 and sleeps till usually around 5 and then falls back asleep till 7-8. She usually take about 3-4 naps a day. She is such an easygoing little angel, and has been so easy to travel with on the 4 camping trips we've been on since she was born. She's such a little dream come true, and I couldn't love her more!

Baby video monitors are one of my favorite things ever!

She's just SOOOO cute I could die!

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