Wednesday, July 11, 2018

My baby boy looking so grown up! :'(

Rhett loves holding Reese SO much. Reese doesn't always appreciate his love. Trauma for one, happiness for the other…

Baby James and baby Reese.

Face painting at cute Channing's birthday party.

A few nights ago I went down to check on the kids after they'd been asleep for a few hours, and Mia's door was open and she was nowhere to be found. At first I wasn't too alarmed because she's been known to go and sleep on the floor outside of Rhett's door (I guess she likes to be near him :)), but after checking there and not finding her I started to freak out a little bit. I checked in Rhett's room and rechecked the whole basement before I ran and told Chris I couldn't find her. Both of us were kind of starting to panic as we ran around checking all over the house for her when Chris found her asleep underneath our bed! I'm not sure why she decided to sleep there, but we were really happy she was safe.

Practicing Rhett's "chest pass"

Mia took a picture of me changing Reese that I thought was kind of sweet. Just a little snippet of my everyday life right now that I want to remember. <3


"Mommy I love you. You my best friend. You pretty mom. You my buddy." All while hugging and kissing me :)

He's always saying "Reese you so toot!" over and over and, "Oooooh, you little sweet cheeks!"


Mia was looking all over for something and came over telling me she couldn't find it. I went to help her and pulled it out and showed her just as she was saying "I looked EVERYWHERE!…Oh, I didn't look there." with a big smile on her face. She's so funny and cute.

To Reese "You're the love of our heart!"

To me "I'll love you forever."

I came out from putting Reese to bed and laid on the couch next to Chris. Mia said "You and daddy are so in love with each other." :) I told her that she was right about that.

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