Thursday, April 2, 2020

Rhett told me his hands were too tired to eat, so he had to use his head to push his fork in.

Rhett and Reese right after we got home from Disneyland. Rhett giving Reese a ride :)

Came home from St George and within the week had a light snow one morning. We built our last snowman of the year :)


Reese is such a funny little baby. She always says no to everything. It's so funny, because I know she knows the difference between yes and no because when I tell her no she gets upset and when I say yes to something she is asking for she gets so excited. Well, one thing she always says yes to is when I say, "Uh oh Reesie, do you need a time out?" She literally loves to go to time out, and I don't know what I'm going to do with her. She always smiles to big. She keeps doing this thing where she hits Rhett and then gets all happy when I send her to time out. I don't know if it makes her feel big because she sees it happen to the big kids and she liked to be like them, or what, but I don't know what I'm going to do with her, ha ha!
Reesie is so smart! She is not even two yet, and for a long time now she has been counting all the way up to 12, and she can sing I am a Child of God so well. It's so darling!!!

She has such a strong personality. She was so mad at me one time when I was trying to put her to bed. I felt bad, and was trying to comfort her because she was crying in her crib, but she told me to "go out" through her tears. It was kind of heart breaking to leave her in there like that, but she fell asleep within a few minutes.


I had had a cough for a while and have been newly pregnant for a few months so I hadn't been feeling the greatest for a while. One day Rhett said, "Let me check if you are still sick...(*looks at me for a while)...yup you're still sick!" I laughed and said, "Good thing I have a little doctor to take care of me." Rhett said, "I'm not a little doctor! I'm just a little kid who loves you. I love you 1 2 many. I squeezed you so hard because I love you too much. I love you too too much!" He really is the absolute sweetest boy!
I made Rhett an egg sandwich one morning, and he thought it was amazing. I told him it was so good because I made it with love :). Later that day I heard him telling Mia, "Mia, cheese is love."

Chris was walking by while Rhett was working on a maze in his coloring book. He came to a dead end and yelled "JUUUUMP!" and moved his crayon to another spot and kept going. :)

"Dad's so strong! And I love you and everyone the mostest!"

"Dad you are so cool!"

We were talking about what it would be like when the kids were grown up. Rhett said, "When I'm a grown up I can do whatever I want! I can eat turkey for food whenever I want!"

To me, "I love you honey. Honey means you're my best girl in the whole world."

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