Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Mia's 8th Birthday

 My sweet baby girl is 8.

Years ago I was giving a talk in church and as I was introducing our family I started to name my sweet kids. When I got to Mia, I got so emotional I had to stop for a minute before I said her name. I'm sure the whole ward was thinking "Oh brother, this girl can't even introduce her family without crying??" But Mia coming into my life was the first time one of my deepest and most cherished dreams ever came true. She made me a mom! And she did not disappoint. She is so much better than I ever dreamed her.

I think when I dreamed of her, I was so excited and prepared for all of the sweet firsts she would bring, but what I was NOT prepared for, were all of the lasts. She has left behind so many cherished and adorable and sweet stages for new cherished and adorable and sweet stages. I LOVE how she is now, but my heart also yearns for more. More time in every cherished part of her life. I'm trying so hard to be good at soaking her all in and not letting her sweet childhood slip through my fingers. I cherish and adore you my beautiful little dream come true.

Made her this pumpkin cake that she asked for with her favorite color, purple, and my best attempt at flowers and butterflies on it. She we had her favorite, shepherd's pie, for dinner.


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