Thursday, September 16, 2021

Tessa Month #11

 Tessa is such a cutie! She loves to clap when we say "Yay!" and when we are at the kids' soccer games, cheering for the kids, she usually starts to yell and try to cheer with us. She can crawl up the stairs all by herself, and she climbs up on the couch with a little boost. She doesn't eat baby food anymore. 

Recently I went to our local grocery store that I go to quite a bit with the kids, but this time it was late, so they were in bed and I went alone while Chris stayed home. While I was checking out, I looked over and noticed one of the cashiers who I didn't remember ever talking to looking at me kind of intently. After a few seconds, she seemed to recognize me and said, "Ooooh! You're the girl with that beautiful baby!" :) I was like, "Oh, ya, I do have a beautiful little baby girl, thank you!", and she said, "Ya she has the most beautiful face and eyes!". Tessa seriously is a gorgeous little girl.

Sometimes when I'm laying Tessa down, she grabs onto my arm like this and it about rips my heart out. She's such an angel


Tessa really and truly does love Reesie K. It melts my heart. It's pretty common for her to crawl over to Reesie and push her down and then climb on top of her and kiss her all over. Reesie always says "OOOH, she LOVES me!"



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