Saturday, October 16, 2021

Tessa's 1st Birthday

 I'm reeling that this little angel baby just turned 1! She is seriously a little doll. She has 8 teeth now (she had three come in at the same time recently). She loves to hold her own little fork or spoon and feed herself. She is now into all of my cupboards and drawers and loves emptying everything out 100 times a day :). She can take up to 5-6 steps at a time and is so close to just taking off with walking. She blows kisses and waves and claps. She says mom, dad, yay, boo, and woa. She LOVES to play peek a boo. It's so darling how much she loves it. She also shakes her head a lot and laughs :) She's just a complete darling. She really enjoyed digging in to her cake! :)



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