Sunday, October 31, 2021

Duke is such a good dog with our kids. He just sat still while Reesie put these stickers on him. And the other day a heard a hollow knocking sound and when I started to look for where it was coming from, I found Tessa with a toy banging Duke right on the head. And Duke was just laying there letting her do it. We're grateful to have such a good dog.


Black Island Farms




Tessa seriously loves Reesie SO much! All the time, I will see Reese carrying Tessa in what look like very precarious and uncomfortable positions, but Tessa always has the HUGEST smile on her face when Reesie holds her. It just melts my heart to see them together!

 These two snuggle buddies :)


We watched Charlotte and Hannah for a few hours while Cam and Ron were out of town, and Tessa just thinks that Charlotte is an adorable little doll. She LOVES to hug and maul her with kisses. I think it's a little traumatizing for poor Charlotte :)


Reesie's darling pumpkin. She wanted it to be "so pretty". I think that's a mission accomplished :). And Rhett drew this vampire himself and then I carved it out for him and he painted it. Pumpkins are so fun!


These little cuties right before the primary program. 




Talking about not fighting over what color of cup you get; "You get what you get and you don't be mean. And you don't drink water all gone."


Reese got invited over to a neighbors birthday party with Rhett and Mia. When I went to pick her up, the parents told me about a conversation they had with her when she got there. 

 Reesie: "Do you have scary stuff downstairs?"

 Them: "No."

 Reesie: "Do you like scary stuff?"

 Them: "No."

 Reesie: "So do you like Satan?"

 Them: "No."

 Reesie: "That's good."


"We goed to that lasterday." (everything is "lasterday" lately)


Me: "Oh look at your cute little face."

Reesie: "I can't look at my face because it's on me."


"I love you my whole childhood!" (that one melted my heart :))


Reesie: "Mom, can I take a bath?"

Me: "No, you already took one this morning."

Reesie: "But I just tooted!"


I heard Tessa start crying, so I went to see what was going on.

 Me: "What happened Tessa?"

 Reese: "I knocked her over."

 Me: (to Tessa) "Oh no, are you ok baby?"

 Reese: "Am I not going to go up to heaven now?"

 Me: "Of course you are! But you need to say sorry to Tessa and try to be nicer."

"Dad said thanks to me! He's the best dad I ever heard!"

"Come on princess Tessa, it's time to go! Your highnesty."

I heard Reesie crying in the middle of the night, and went down to check on her. She had her eyes closed and was crying like she was having a nightmare. I woke her up and asked her what was wrong. She was still crying and delirious and said, "I want some fruit snacks." and then fell right back to sleep.

Reesie loves to say "Told ya!" very sassily :) and in contexts that don't really make sense. Like out of nowhere saying some like, "Told ya mom! Told ya my favorite color is yellow!"


Me: "I love you."

Rhett: "I love you."

Me: "You're my handsome little guy."

Rhett: "You're my beautiful little mom. You really are beautiful, that's why I said you're beautiful."


While we were driving, Mia's ears popped. She said, "Sometimes my ears turn off and I have to yawn to get them back on."


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