Monday, November 22, 2021

Rhett's 6th Birthday

I'm so grateful for this little boy of ours. We need him so much.

When I think of Rhett, I think of overflowing and explosions. Some of that has to do with his effect on our house and things. But also with how sweet and wonderful he is. 

There are so many times that Rhett has made me feel like I'm exploding. Exploding with laughing out loud at how funny he is and how happy he makes me. How his voice sounds like explosions. He really hasn't mastered appropriate volumes all the time, and his little booming/yelling/neck vein popping voice is something I will truly be sad when he grows out of it. 

He is overflowing with sweetness and love. I don't think anyone tells me that I am so beautiful more than my sweet little Rhett boy. I tease Chris that Rhett tells me I'm beautiful and he loves me so much and gives me a kiss more than Chris does...but it's actually true :). When I mess up and go to apologize to him, "I forgive you mom" is always out of his mouth way before my apology is ever fully out of mine. He's so thoughtful and forgiving and gushes the sweetest comments about me and other people all the time. He makes my heart overflow, and I'm so proud to be his mom.

When I was in elementary school there were tons of kids my age and younger who loved pokemon, and I always thought it was a little silly. I never dreamed that someday I'd be planning a pokemon birthday for my own son who LOVES pokemon all these years later. We love our sweet little Rhett boy.


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