Thursday, March 31, 2022

 We got to take this darling bunch of cuties to see Disney on Ice. They loved it so much, and it was pretty amazing!

Chris and I were so lucky to go to the Jazz game with Kyle and Charise and sit in the 6th row! I didn't take any pictures of us, but the view was incredible, and we saw President Utchdorf and his wife! I've never cheered louder at a Jazz game :D

Mia and Tessa taking some selfies :D <3

Gorgeous baby


When I put Tessa to bed, I sing her songs. Recently when I was singing her, she was singing along, but the only word she was singing was "belly belly belly." :D


"Rhett, I think I'm going to marry you cause you're pretty handsome."

Rhett: "You can't marry family"

Reesie was saying goodbye to Grandpa Smith, and she gave him and kiss. Then she said, "That's so funny I just kissed a boy. That's not even my husband!"

Recently whenever Chris and I are watching a show with Charise and Kyle, if Reesie comes into the room, she will plug her ears and close her eyes and try to come up to us while asking "Is is dangerous??" :D She keeps saying that show are "too dangerous" (scary) for her. She hates it when people fight on shows. Especially if it's physically fighting. She is so darling and always keeps us laughing.

After Tessa spilled cereal for the 2nd time and I was cleaning it up Reese walked up behind me and said "Uugh! Now it's a little huge entire mess!" 


To Chris, "You're my favorite boy in the whole entire universe!"

To me, "Mom you have a really pretty singing voice. I love it. I think that you are...don't tell anyone this, cause it will make them feel bad...I think that you are the prettiest. Woman. Ever!"


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