Saturday, April 30, 2022

 Reesie's 4th Birthday! :)

These sweet notes were up on the wall when Chris and I got home from Kauai



Mia had a dance competition in St George


Pioneer Park


The whole time we were walking around Pioneer Park, Tessa kept saying over and over, "WHOA...tazy!" as we looked at all the amazing things :)

I was trying to talk to Tessa about doing something that she didn't want to do, and I said "Okee dokee?" Tessa answered, "No no dokee." :D


One day when she woke up in the morning I asked Reesie how she slept. She said "I didn't have good dreams."

Late one night, Reesie woke up and came upstairs to Chris's and my bedroom. Chris and I were watching a show in our room, and I got up to take Reesie back to bed. Reesie told me, "I heard the noise, and I was like, 'Hmmm is that mom and dad getting in trouble?', and then I was like, 'hmmm I'm going to rescue them.' And then I was like 'I need my wood sword that's outside.' And then I was like 'Oh it's just the show.'" :D I was laughing pretty hard.


Reesie: Rhett would you rather I die, or I got hurt?

Rhett: Uhhh....I would rather you got hurt.

Reesie: That's RUDE! 


I walked into Reesie's room to hear her talking to a bird that she saw outside her window. She said, "Hi little birdie. I love you. I'm not going to try to kill you. Only my daddy and AJ will try to kill you."


Rhett: "Mom, I don't think I'm that good at coloring in the lines"

Me: "I think you're great!"

Rhett: "Ya, that's because you're my mother!" 


While singing the song that Mia sang in her 2nd grade program that names all the states in the USA, "New York, New City, New Idaho". (It's supposed to say New York, New Jersey, New Mexico)


After my 30th birthday Mia said, "You look younger than your 30. You look like your maybe 20." :D


Mia: "How old were you when you knew that Santa and the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny weren't real?"

Me: "Probably about your age."

Mia: "I never believed."

I had to laugh because I knew it was pretty much true. She never really believed in any of those things ha ha.

"If I married one of my crushes someday and we have a baby and they are in the room when I have a baby, that's what I'm most nervous about about having a baby."