Sunday, April 30, 2023


Reesie's birthday


We had snow in the middle of April this year!


My DARLING little Reesie drew this picture. She said it was Chris and I going to church. ;D I said, "Oh wow. We look so happy!" and she said "Yup!" Ha ha <3


Whenever we are reading scriptures in the mornings with the kids, Tessa opens up her scriptures and pretends to follow along as she reads over and over again, "And it came to pass.....and it came to pass."


The kids and I were playing Wacky 6, and Tessa wanted to play, but she isn't quite old enough to do it on her own, so I was helping her. After a while she said, "Ya, I sick of dis." and got down and left :)


After church one day the kids and I got in the car, but Chris wasn't out yet. I started to pull the car closer to the church to pick Chris up. Tessa said, "No please don't leave my daddy! He so cute!" <3

One day Grandma Kimmie said "Thanks honey" to Chris. Tessa said, "Daddy not honey! He daddy honey!"


"I'm so tired I could sleep on a turtle. Or any animal. This bed is so comfy like a turtle."

"Mom I think you're beautifuller than any girl on earth. ...And I think dad's handsomer than any boy on earth."

While I was cooking one day, Chris took the brown sugar and asked the kids, "Do you guys know what this is?"

Reesie answered, "Ummm....cookie powder?"

While we were watching the nature show one day and seeing something about buffalo Reesie said, "I think those are huffinpuffs."

While doing family night one day I said to the kids, "In the olden days they would sacrifice the first born lamb. What to we sacrifice in our days?"

Reesie "Moose and dear."


To me "Ah your cooking is legend. I'm gonna pass your cooking skills down to everyone I know. It will be a generation!"


My little brother Bruce married Hannah who is half Korean. Their oldest daughter is Norah. One day I heard some of the cousins having this conversation;

Levi- "Norah's face does not look English."

Mia- "That's because she's curry." (Korean) ha ha

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