Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend was so full of family, food, and fun. Saturday we swam at Grandma and Grandpa Smith's. Rhett loved his first time in the water

 Mia and daddy shooting mommy and Rhett with a squirt gun

Is she real??…:)

 We went to church with the Brower's on Sunday to hear Grandma Kim give a talk in sacrament. She gave the sweetest testimony about how living the gospel blesses our families. I had to work on Saturday night, and when I got home the kids were up, so I was running on no sleep at church. After sacrament, Rhett wasn't in the mood to sit in class. He was tired and wanted to walk around in the halls :). For a minute while I was roaming the halls with my sweet baby, tired feet, back, and arms, I debated if it was even worth it to stay since I wasn't really able to listen and it would be so much easier to take Rhett home and put him to bed and hopefully catch a few minutes of sleep myself.  I thought about what sweet Grandma Kim had talked about in sacrament and decided to head to the mothers room instead. I rocked little Rhett and listened to the next ward's sacrament meeting through the intercom. Rhett fell asleep and I was able to lay him down and give my arms and back a rest. The spirit was there as I spent the sweetest hour staring at baby Rhett while he slept and being spiritually recharged. Feeling the spirit and being where the Lord wanted me to be was absolutely more rejuvenating than the hour of sleep would have been. I'm so grateful for the Gospel.

 On Monday we had a BBQ at Grandma and Grandpa Bitter's and hung out with cousins. I think Mia loves swings more than any other child I have ever met :)

 Rhett was tired and hungry, and Mia understood…:)

 We discovered Rhett looks a little bit like baby Uncle Bruce.

 And I fell more in love with this boy.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Month #6

Length 26 inches (25th %)
Weight 15 lbs 15 oz (25th %)
Head 17.2 (50th %)

Rhett, you seriously are so cute sometimes I think my heart can't handle it! So much has happened this month! Rhett mastered sitting and he rolls everywhere! He is so close to crawling and he loves to get up on all fours and rock back and forth as he tries to figure it out, but he usually ends up scooting backwards instead. He eats a lot of solid food now, and he loves to eat! He loves playing with toys and using his hands more and more. He chews and gnaws on his hands, especially his thumb, in the most adorable way. He goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30 at night and has been waking up at 4:00-5:00 to eat, then going to bed again until 7:30-8:30 with 3 naps during the day. He seriously is the happiest most perfect baby boy. He loves to move and is constantly brightening up our lives with his adorable smile that almost never leaves his face. Mia might kill him with all her loving squeezes and rough play, but Rhett seriously thinks she is hilarious and they adore each other.

For at least a week after noticing this mark on Rhett's finger, I thought it was some sort of smudge. Turns out its actually the cutest little birth mark ever.

I seriously love the way this boy chews his fingers and thumb. Especially when there is a smile behind it!

 Rhett rolled right under the bed when I was in the other room

Friday, May 20, 2016

Crazy hair Mia

 Mia loves this snap chat filter that turns her into a puppy. 

Rhett and Lewis

Early morning snuggles in mommy and daddy's bed

 Everybody gets tummy time. Even Mia's dolls.

 These two…:)

Rhett and Eve

 Rhett and Lewis

Mia and Lyla…we were all inside talking when Ron looked out the window and said "um…they're naked!" 

 Mia was happy when Reggie came back from training after a month of being gone

 Tucking Mia in for bed. Bedtime is seriously one of my favorite things, and not for the reasons you might think. There is something about being tired that bring out the snuggly side in my kids, and I can't get enough of it. I love how time seems to slow down as we say prayers together, play a quick game of hide and seek as a family, tell stories, talk about our day, and give tons of hugs and kisses. It is seriously such a sweet time of day!

 Mia rough housing with daddy

 Mia has a serious case of bed head

I'm so sad to admit that this little precious got a little banged up because of me. She was crying for me to hold her while I was already holding Rhett who was also crying. She was crumpled into a little tantrum lump on the floor. I grabbed her wrist with one hand and tried to pick her up while still holding Rhett on my other hip, but her limp little tantrum body was resisting too much, and I heard her poor little wrist pop. She wouldn't use her hand or even move around very much that whole day. She got a blessing that night from Chris and Grandpa Brower and Grandma Kim wrapped up her little wrist in some ace wrap to help stabilize and support it. We got it x-rayed, and there was no break. The Dr. said it must be a pretty bad sprain. I felt terrible, and cried when she cried. Mia was a trooper and finally felt better a few days later.

 "Don't smile Mia."

 The relationship these two have is one of my very favorite

I don't think there is anything sweeter than these two faces.

Rhett Babbles and yells
Mia "What buddy? You love me??"


"My brother so cute mom!"

When I was jumping to reach something on a high shelf. "You a really good helper mommy"

We were driving home from church one Sunday and Mia started singing "Follow the Prophet, Follow the prophet, don't get hit by a car…" 

One Saturday morning after I had worked that night, I came home and fell asleep. Chris had the day off which hardly ever happens and he so sweetly thought to let me sleep and take the kids over to his parents' house to hang out. When I finally woke up, it was 2:00 pm and I was shocked I had slept so long. Usually the kids woke me up by 9:00 at the latest. I had no memory of Chris telling me where he was going with the kids, even though he had. I called Chris and he came to pick me up. I felt horrible that I had missed a whole day of being with the people I love so much, especially since Chris almost never has days off. A huge reason why I choose to work nights is that I want to miss as little time with my precious family as possible, so I was seriously a wreck about loosing so much time with them. When Chris came to get me I was crying. He obviously had no idea why his crazy wife would react like this, so I tried to explain how sad I felt about loosing so much precious time with the three of them when Mia piped up and said "Mommy sad. She love everybody so much. She my best friend. She gone all day, I miss her so much!" It was the sweetest little moment hearing such sweet thoughts from my baby girl that my tears of regret turned to happy tears. "Mommy happy now!!" Nothing can make me happy like this sweet family of mine.