Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

Chris and I were in Hawaii over Mother's Day this year. It kind of broke my heart to not be with my babies, but I had taken these pictures of them the Sunday before we left, so I spent the whole day staring at them and wishing I could squeeze them. These two are seriously my best friends. There is absolutely nothing in this world besides Chris that has made me happier than being their mom. I feel so so SO lucky that I have been blessed beyond compare to be a mommy to these precious little babies. My life as their mom is my every dream come true.

The love these two have for each other melts my heart. I could burst from all the sweet feelings watching these two gives me.

 Rhett, you are the only boy in this world besides your daddy who has my heart so completely. It's hard to convince myself to do anything besides stare at you and try to memorize every detail about you all day long. When I'm awake with you in the middle of the night, I seriously feel so grateful for those quiet, snuggly moments when I have you all to myself. It's one of the few times that I get one on one time with you, and I cherish those midnight feedings and hours of missed sleep. I know there will be a day when I will long for those moments when you needed me so much. Thank you for needing me and loving me. You make our family so happy.

Mia, I don't know what I would do without you. You are so full of sweetness and love for us that I don't know how your little body can contain it all! You are so fun, wild, silly, determined, and a little bit sassy. The happiness you bring into my life can take me from laughing to crying. You have such a sweet nature and even though you may not do everything perfectly, you are perfect in my eyes.

 Ever since I can remember I have been dreaming about being a mom. I knew it would be the best thing ever. Even though I was right about it being the best thing ever, I really underestimated by how much. I can't express the level of gratitude I feel or how humbling it is that these perfectly precious little ones call me 'Mom'.

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