Sunday, May 22, 2016

Month #6

Length 26 inches (25th %)
Weight 15 lbs 15 oz (25th %)
Head 17.2 (50th %)

Rhett, you seriously are so cute sometimes I think my heart can't handle it! So much has happened this month! Rhett mastered sitting and he rolls everywhere! He is so close to crawling and he loves to get up on all fours and rock back and forth as he tries to figure it out, but he usually ends up scooting backwards instead. He eats a lot of solid food now, and he loves to eat! He loves playing with toys and using his hands more and more. He chews and gnaws on his hands, especially his thumb, in the most adorable way. He goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:30 at night and has been waking up at 4:00-5:00 to eat, then going to bed again until 7:30-8:30 with 3 naps during the day. He seriously is the happiest most perfect baby boy. He loves to move and is constantly brightening up our lives with his adorable smile that almost never leaves his face. Mia might kill him with all her loving squeezes and rough play, but Rhett seriously thinks she is hilarious and they adore each other.

For at least a week after noticing this mark on Rhett's finger, I thought it was some sort of smudge. Turns out its actually the cutest little birth mark ever.

I seriously love the way this boy chews his fingers and thumb. Especially when there is a smile behind it!

 Rhett rolled right under the bed when I was in the other room

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