Saturday, February 18, 2017

Disneyland Round #2

Chris surprised us with a spur of the moment trip to Disneyland over Valentines day. Mia was dying with excitement right before getting on the plane. Mia did amazing on the flight and slept like a champ. Rhett was still recovering from feeling sick and teething and had a much harder time, poor baby. 

Splash Mountain is my favorite ride at Disneyland and it was closed the last time we went, so this is the one ride Chris and I took turns riding as single riders. The kids and I watched Chris come down the waterfall and then Chris took the kids to ride something else while I rode.

Mia was acting scared and didn't want to get any closer, so Pooh covered his face so he wouldn't scare her :)

Sleepiest Rhett

The sleeping arrangements in our hotel room were pretty interesting. Mia was sleeping on a queen bed in the same room as Chris and I, and Rhett was in a little crib in the bathroom.

Rhett fell in love with doritos

This was the rainiest day at Disneyland! It was cold and wet but we rode so many rides and the lines were all so short!

On the shuttle back to the hotel, nice and wet.

Delirious little boy

And the worst blowout of this boys life happened… Hilariously awful, ha ha!

Getting home was seriously so hard. We checked out of our hotel and rode an Uber to the airport getting there at about 11:45 am. Plenty of time before our 12:45 pm flight. We found out that our flight was delayed till 3:00 pm and then later found out it was further delayed until 7:20 pm! We had nowhere to go, and no car or carseats because we had already checked them. So we had no choice but to try to keep our little ones entertained in the airport all day long. When we finally boarded our flight Rhett fell asleep in Chris' arms and Mia fell asleep in my lap before we even took off. 

After about an hour Rhett stirred and saw me and wanted to come sit with me. He fell right back to sleep.

Sadly, soon after this the flight attendant said Rhett had to go back to the other side with Chris because of how the oxygen masks were set up. He woke up and felt like he needed his mom so I switched seats with Chris so I could sit with him. He fell back asleep for a few minutes, but then we started to land and he wasn't in a deep enough sleep yet. His ears hurt and he was so tired and sad about being woken up. We had a very sad little boy during the landing, but the people sitting around us were so sweet and understanding. We finally got home close to midnight. 

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