Friday, February 24, 2017

This poor little boy had his first experience with being really sick, and it was the worst! Mia took these pictures of his sweet little face and seeing how skinny he looks breaks my heart!

Daddy pulls out this basketball hoop EVERYTIME he is playing with the kids. Priorities people…:)

 So sweet and happy in between throw ups…

These stupid snapchat filters kept my babies entertained while we were living like zombies, cooped up and sick.

The only only only ONLY positive side of our babies not feeling good is the sweet snuggly side that comes out of them.

He climbed up there and thought he was stuck

Every day. Can't keep them down from here…

Early mornings are for kids climbing in bed with us and snuggling

It never ceases to shock me watching Rhett climb on things

The other day I used the "Hey Siri" function on my iPhone to send  a verbal text message to my mom. After that Mia kept telling Siri stuff like "Hey Siri, I love my mom." and "Hey Siri, don't let mommy call the phone." when my phone was ringing and she was in the middle of talking to me…:) She is so hilarious.

Mia has been saying the sweetest prayers lately. The other day she said "Please bless us to make good choices and know that Heavenly Father knows our hearts and the Holy Ghost." It's amazing how profound a little 3 year old can be!

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