Thursday, February 9, 2017

Rhett's climbing is seriously out of control. There is nothing he doesn't climb up on. I try to keep all the doors closed and chairs pulled away from tables, but he still climbs up on everything! It seriously shocks me every time. Mia was not a climber at all. It's so fun to see their differences already. Rhett is very coordinated and reckless and Mia was so verbal and sharp. They seriously melt my heart!

Sometimes I literally melt into a puddle when I'm watching them play together.

It's literally so shocking to me to see this teeny little baby body do the things that he does. Shocking!!!

Chris and Mia trying out Chris' new duck blind

Everytime I turn around he's on top of something else…

Sometimes I love finding sweet pictures that Mia has taken while playing on my phone when no one knew what she was doing. Usually one gem out of 300 pictures of carpet and up people's noses ha ha… but this one of Chris is worth it.

Rhett is always so excited and proud of himself after he climbs up onto something. He usually starts yelling "Da! Da!" I love that he wants his daddy to see his accomplishments.

 This little boy is so happy and sweet. He's started to give the sweetest hugs and kisses the world has ever known! Mia always gets bombarded with them and daddy gets lots too. Slim pickin's for me usually…:)I seriously die over the relationship these two have. Of course there are disagreements and tiffs and sad moments, but for the overwhelming majority of the time Mia and Rhett are so loving of each other. They are so good with sharing and playing together and I can always count on Mia to look out for her brother and try to protect him. Probably about 5 times a day Mia runs in the room yelling "Mom, it's an emergency!" after which I will come out to find Rhett on top of something or getting into something he shouldn't. They're a pretty darling little tag team.

The snow has been melting a ton lately and the other day I said "Mia, the snow is almost gone!". She answered without skipping a beat, "Ya, I ate it." I died laughing!

Talking about me being gone at work Mia said "I missed you so much last year Mom. I hate it when you leave. I love it when you here." I told her I felt the same way. 

A while ago I came downstairs dressed in my scrubs for work and Mia yelled "Don't go to work mom! I need you!" I had tears in my eyes as I drove to work…

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