Saturday, June 9, 2018

Reese: Month #2

Reese is getting so big! I keep thinking that she isn't like a newborn anymore, she's like a baby now. It kind of makes me sad, but at the same time, I love everything about her! She started sleeping in her crib just a few days ago and has done awesome! She's slept 9-10 hours straight, woken up to eat, and then sleeps another 2 hours before waking up for the day. She is wearing 0-3 month and some 6 month clothes. She is getting really good at rolling from her stomach to her back, and will usually do it within a few seconds of being put on her tummy very consistently. She is smiling so much and interacting with us more now, and it's just the sweetest thing ever! She looks like she has a darker complexion than our other babies, and still has brown hair, but I'm still wondering if she'll go blonde like Mia and Rhett did. I think she might be my chubbiest baby <3! Her little baby rolls are coming in now, and I love it so so much! She is pure happiness in a beautiful, kissable little package!

12 lbs 1 oz (75th %)
22.8 inches (60th %)
Head circumference 25th %

Mia took all these pictures of Reese, and they might be some of my favorite of her!

Baby cousins
James, Hannah, Reese, and Cora

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