Saturday, December 31, 2022

The fluffiest, most beautiful snow <3. If you look closely at Reesie's hair, you can see some perfect snowflakes

So sweet...Tessa was sad and only wanted her sweet brother to help her.


Reesie's first dance recital! She looked pretty embarrassed and shy on-stage, but after she said she loved it! I think she thought it was so fun to have her grandparents and some aunts and uncles there to support her. She felt pretty loved :). The pictures make me laugh. Chris was cheering Reesie on to keep giving us new poses. Reesie was laughing :) Such a fun memory.


Mia had "Dress up like a 'Who'" day for school.




Every color is "Pinkyellow"


"Funana" :) (banana)


Tessa: "Bye dad!"

Chris: "Bye Tessa"

Tessa: "See you yater!"

Chris: "See you later."

Tessa: "You cute!"

Me: "I love you Tessa!"

Tessa: "Thank you mom. You cute!"


When washing her hands, "You don't know how many you do when you go fast. But I do..I did 18 rubs!"

"Dad you smell good. I'm sniffing you."

Singing 24 karat magic by Bruno Mars

"24 magic carrots in the aaaair. Fred talks to a friend."

"Strawberry shampoo all night. Strawberry milkshake alright."


"I always ask for the same thing for Christmas and I never get it."

Me: "What is it??"

Rhett: "A thousand dollars."


We left Mia to babysit the kids with the gabb phone while we went to tithing settlement. She called Chris and said, "Where are you guys?"

Chris: "At the church. We told you that."

Mia: "Oh...I was just calling to make sure you didn't get lost."

Mia: "The one thing I do not ever want to do is break up with a singer."

Me: "Why??"

Mia: "Cause they sing about that!"

Mia: *toots

Me: *laughing "Mia"

Mia: *laughs and toots really loud

Me: *laughing "Mia!"

Mia: *laughing "Sorry, I think I just get that from my dad."

I was walking down the stairs late at night carrying Reesie back to bed after she had gotten up. I stepped on a toy and said "owwowowowowowowowow"

Mia came out of her room and said, "Are you ok? I thought you were a monster."

Mia to Chris: "Have you ever done a deep science project?"

Chris: "I don't know what that is"

Mia: "Oh ya, cause science wasn't made when you were a kid."


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