Monday, July 4, 2016

4th of July Weekend

The weekend of the 4th, we went camping overnight with my siblings. We had the funnest time being with everyone and getting super dirty! Poor Rhett was having a hard time with his two bottom teeth still growing in and his two top teeth just popping all at the same time. The poor little guy broke out in a heat/stress rash. He was able to fall asleep pretty easily until about midnight when he woke up. I was able to get him back to sleep around 1:00 am and then he slept until 3:00 am. I tried helping him back to sleep for about a half hour in the tent and then decided to take him into the lodge where it would be warmer and he wouldn't disturb everybody while they were trying to sleep. He was so cute and happy that I couldn't even be upset about the sleep I was loosing. Every moment I spend with this boy is such a blessing! So I took these pictures of us to remember our 3:30 am little hangout session in the middle of nowhere while all the world was still sleeping and I had him all to myself.

Hanging out at Pineview on the beach with cousins. Daddy, Mia, and Kayla slipped away to catch Grandma and Grandpa Brower and go boating for a few hours.

 Daddy bought us this swimming pool and we couldn't be more excited!

Chris was playing basketball with the brothers in law while barefoot. Someone landed on his foot and he's been hobbling around ever since. We got it x-rayed and they didn't see a break, so that's good. The doctor said he had some trauma and a really deep bruise to the area and it would probably be at least a month until he felt better. 

Mia and Luke watching fireworks from Grandma and Grandpa Bitter's back deck. Mia loved the fireworks. When we were doing sparklers later she told me "look mommy, I'm magic!"

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