Friday, July 22, 2016

Month #8

Rhett had 4 top teeth come in one right after the other within a week or two after his bottom two came in. We have a little biter on our hands, so it's a good thing he is so irresistible. Rhett has been pulling himself to stand up against furniture and will side step a step or two while he's holding on. Sometimes when I am talking to people while holding him, he will grab my face and turn it towards him and kiss me! He completely melts my heart. He is starting to not like being to far away from me and will crawl over to give me hugs while he's playing. Basically what I'm trying to say is, he's perfect :)

A peek into Rhett trying to take a nap one day :)

The way he chews his thumb in the corner of his mouth will never get old.

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