Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Chris went on a 5 day long business trip to a conference in Las Vegas. It was the longest we have ever been apart since we were married. Even though Chris has gone on overnight scouting trips with the young men and hunting trips, this is the first time that I have ever even spent a full day without seeing him. It was so hard and sad. I don't think I'll ever be able to let him do that again :)… but he did get to go see the Blue Man Group! He said it was amazing.

Mia is so funny! She was wearing this night gown and told me she needed pants. I told her she didn't need any because she was wearing a dress, and the next thing I know, she has Rhett's pants on. These are 6-9 month pants! I couldn't believe she fit in them.

Then the next day I found her wearing tights…:)

Mia always tells Reggie to lay down and then she sits down on her. She thinks it is hilarious (which it kind of is :)) and Reggie is a really good sport about it.

Mia loves her "Dukie"

 Mia and Rhett love the park so much!

Rhett's first time on the swings, and he loved it!

A more accurate shirt has never been worn…:)

 She wanted me to take a picture of her bun :) 

Trying to keep this boy from eating chalk

I love my little girl with the wild hair and beautiful smile

Mia loves playing with "Lute". They are like siblings and are always getting into trouble together.

Lately I always find Mia and Rhett covered in lotion together

Daddy's socks

Mia has been pretty sensitive lately. Sometimes when I tell her I don't want her to do something she will get really upset and run to her room crying. When I go to get her I can hear her in her room saying "My family don't want me. My family don't love me." It is seriously the saddest thing ever. She has also told me "I having a hard day mom." she seriously melts my heart.

The other day when Luke apologized to Mia for something Mia said, "It's ok Luke. I still love you."

Mia had my sports bra and Chris asked her what it was for. Mia told him "It makes your elbows bigger. It's for mommy's elbows."

While getting ready for church one day, Chris whispered in Mia's ear to come and tell me I looked pretty. Mia came over to me and said "We love you sweaty mommy!" 

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